Thursday 8 September 2011


Our school is flourishing, which in the current economic climate was by no means guaranteed. However, this does have a downside. In order to make as much money as possible we take on more students, but I get the impression that no one stopped to think about whether we could actually fit them in!

One of my labs is tiny and can just seat 20. There's not enough room for them to do practical, but we can at least get bums on seats and teach them stuff. Unfortunately we have a couple of classes this year with 22 students. You see the problem? We managed to get hold of a couple of folding desks and some old chairs and shoe-horned them in, so the lab is crammed full of kids. I also had to order more text books once I saw the set lists, but I got enough and now each kid has a book, a seat and a desk.

It appears though that biology didn't take action in quite the same way we did.

All the biology teachers are away on a field trip today, and one of the new year 9 sets was due to have their first biology lesson this morning. I've just spoken to the teacher who covered the lesson, and he was not impressed! There was a seating plan, showing where each of the 22 kids should be seated in the lab, but, not only did 2 of the seats not exist, the bio teacher knew they didn't because he had written no seat on the plan.
Didn't think to try and obtain said seats then mate?

Makes my department actually look organised!

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